2018 in Review

2018 was a weird year for me. I definitely had some big achievements, and some set backs.

On the positive side, My fiancee and I started planning our wedding. Okay, let’s be honest: my fiancee is the master wedding planner. We have a folder of all the wedding stuff we need to do which includes pay dates for our Reverend, photographer. and way other details. I would have to say that she is definitely the more organized one than me. I am a bit more spontaneous, so we are a good match. She has qualities I wish came naturally to me but hey, we are who we are.

from GayWeddingBlog.com


I was also briefly employed twice. The first time I needed to quit because the employer was running a scam and I wouldn’t stand for that. My other employer couldn’t handle my epilepsy. She made up some bs about how I wasn’t learning the cash register fast enough even though I had only had four shifts. Oh well.

I read some really good books which I will do some book reviews on later. I read Roxane Gay’s Hunger, and discovered Andrea Gibson’s book “Take Me With You”. I am so excited I discovered her because her slam poetry is amazing and I am seeing her live this month! Woohooo!!

Andrea Gibson

Unfortunately I had some bad accidents in 2018. The worst ones were when I got a concussion from falling into a bathtub. I also fell face forward and fractured my retinal floor, needed stitches, and my eye was swollen shut. I also fractured a tooth, but despite that, Christmas was amazing. My fiancee’s family and my family were able to spend Christmas dinner together.

Christmas was exhausting, but so much fun.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sita Gaia

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